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May 15, 2020, Issue of Quarter Horse News Magazine

$ 3.99

The May 15 issue celebrates the horses and people who are successful across disciplines in the Western performance horse industry. Learn about the logic behind two leading stallions emerging as sires across discipline lines in cutting and reining, read about royally bred rope horse Main Street Boon, find out how Appaloosa stallion High Sign Nugget became a prolific performer and sire, and study the Equi-Stat All-Industry Statistics, which also highlight talented performer Ray J Boonlight and legendary breeder Arcese Quarter Horses. Other features in this issue include a how-to on using circles to improve shape, steering, cadence and style, as well as a flashback on the last 20 years of the NCHA Super Stakes and a Q&A on how ranch horse breeding has changed over the years.

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